Please fill out the Account Opening Form, our experts will contact you.

Demo Account Opening Request

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Please fill the form below to be contacted by our sales managers via phone.
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Surname *
Phone number *
E-mail address *
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It so important that you have to provide your real name, surname and current contact information while submitting application form and you have to execute minimum 50 trades in minimum 6 business days on your demo account.

With the amendment on article 27 of Communiqué III-37.1 on Principles Regarding Investment Services, Activities and Ancillary Services, published in the Official Gazette edition 28704 on 11/07/2013, in order to be able to conduct leveraged transactions, initial collateral amount of minimum 50,000 TRY or equivalent amount in foreign exchange shall be deposited in the accounts.

Please click to read Yapı Kredi Invest’s General Disclosure regarding the processing of personal data.

Desktop Installation
Mobile Installation